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  Sardegna/Nuoro/Mamoiada - Sweets

Papassini of Mamoiada

On a floured pastry board spread a part of the dough with a rolling pin bringing it to a thickness of 5 mm. With a pastry cutter, or a sharp knife, obtain many rhombuses that you will place appropriately spaced on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Proceed in this way until the mixture runs out. Bake in the preheated oven at 170 ° for about 17-20 minutes, or at least until golden brown. Leave to cool completely on a cake rack.


   Type:  Sweets
   Difficulty:  Average difficulty
  Preparation:  Preparazione 60 min.
   N. person:  7

The ingredients

- 500 g of '00' flour - 200 g of granulated sugar - 2 eggs - 200 g of lard - 10 g of ammonia for sweets - almond extract to taste - 100 g of shelled and freshly roasted almonds - 125 g of sultanas - 80 ml of milk FOR THE GLAZE - 250 g of granulated sugar - 1 egg white - 1 glass of water FOR DECORATION - sprinkles or beads

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